Experience first class travel
Almont is recognised by Forbes Travel Guide for its dedication to the experience of its clients. Almont, displaying the "Endorsed by Forbes Travel Guide" badge, has engaged its advisor network with FTG and has made an ongoing commitment to FTG's independently verified collection of Star-Rated hotels as a trusted source of service and facility excellence.
Affiliate perks for invitation-only Almont clients
Preferred rates
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
$100 hotel credit to spend on food and drink or on spa services
Early check-in / late check-out subject to availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
Early check-in/late check-out subject to availability
Certain hotels also offer a $100 hotel credit (the $100 credit applies to many W Hotels, some JW Marriott and some Autograph Collection)
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
$100 hotel credit to spend on food and drink or on spa services
Early check-in/late check-out subject to availability
Complimentary customised welcome amenity, activity or service
Daily complimentary buffet breakfast for two
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
$75 – $100 credit, per room per stay
Early check-in / late check-out subject to availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Personalised welcome amenity and card from hotel management
VIP status
1-way airport transfer for suite guests (2-night minimum stay in Europe)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
Guaranteed room upgrade at time of booking
$100 USD / £85 GBP hotel credit to spend on food and drink or on spa services
Early check-in/late check-out subject to availability
Property specific welcome amenity (vary by destination)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
A one-category room upgrade (room-to-room or suite-to-suite) confirmed within 24 hours of booking, based on availability at the time of booking
A $50 to $100 hotel credit per room per stay (depending on the hotel)
Early check-in (as early as 9 a.m.), subject to availability
A welcome gift and letter
Daily complimentary breakfast for two
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
$100 hotel credit to spend on food and drink or on spa services
Early check-in and late check-out, subject to availability
Double Hilton Honors points (valid at select properties)
Complimentary daily breakfast for two
Room upgrade on arrival, based on availability (often guaranteed at time of booking)
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Early check-in/late check-out subject to availability
VIP amenity upon arrival (vary by destination)
$100 USD / £85 GBP hotel credit to spend on food and drink or on spa services
Exclusive Discounts and Promotions
Insider Travel Tips
Early check-in/ late check-out (subject to availability)
Complimentary Wi-Fi
New Affiliations Guaranteed one-category upgrade at time of booking for all room categories, up to Junior Suite category
100-unit credit once during stay (in local currency), applied to guest room folio at time of checkout
Complimentary breakfast for two daily, through in-room dining or hotel restaurant.
Complimentary WiFi provided throughout guest stay.
The upgrade for suits will, instead, be subject to availability at time of check-in.
New Affiliations $50-100 hotel / resort credit.
VIP welcome & amenity.
Breakfast daily.
Priority for room upgrade.
Extended check-in/out whenever possible.
50 or 100 USD credit to spend on property, once per stay
Daily breakfast for two persons in the hotel restaurant
Early check-in, late check-out, and upgrades (subject to availability)
Complimentary WiFi
Personalised welcome note
Complimentary daily newspaper
Shipboard credits
Virtuoso-exclusive shore excursions
Welcome aboard receptions
Dedicated on-board hosts
Specialty dining
Pre-paid gratuities
Early Check-in: Start your stay from 12pm
Late Check-out: Extend your stay until 4pm
Daily Breakfast: Complimentary breakfast for a great start
Dining or Spa Credit: Get credits for spa or dining experiences
Room Upgrade: Priority consideration for a room upgrade
Streaming WiFi: Unlimited gaming and streaming WiFi
Celebratory Treat: Make special occasions memorable
Pressing Services: Complimentary pressing or laundering of an item
As an Almont member you will enjoy VIP level service, regardless of what you pay. Beyond ordinary there is extraordinary, beyond extraordinary there is Almont VIP Status.
Almont VIP Members enjoy dedicated attention tailored to their requirements.
As a member of Almont, you will also enjoy unbelievable rates, discounts and free upgrades at the world’s most renown venues, hotels, spas, restaurants and lounges.
With thousands of directors, managers, and maitre d’s in our extended network, the Almont membership opens doors like no other.
Almont membership gives you access to a worldwide network of local experts who will provide you with the insider’s advantage.
Almont membership comes with strict privacy and confidentiality so you can travel with peace of mind.